Hello Everyone,
Just sharing a few pictures taken at the 10.30am Mass this morning with Bishop Brian Dunn who, at the end of Mass, most graciously thanked the artist who made the banners, with a presentation of a lovely bouquet of flowers and a most generous gift-card for a meal at Gabrieau’s for Mike and Yvette, complete with thunderous applause from the congregation. I was thoroughly bowled over without a doubt.
It was all very special. ...too much for sure. My only regret is that we didn’t get Cathy Walsh and Mike Muise in the photographs. They were a great help in helping me get the banners completed and hung in view of the condition of my right shoulder since last June. ... and now, it seems that my brain has gone to pot as well......everything this morning went so fast, but I should have Not missed this. For future reference I’ll have to start making to-do lists to keep me alert. Ha. I’ll start by saying Mea culpa.
Love and blessings to All. Wished you had been there too.
[Ps... Jennifer kindly forward this to Cathy Walsh. Ta....y]